Wednesday, October 31, 2007

last week i got real excited upon SAW 4's poster.

this week, i caught a glimpse on the date and dang. 8 nov.

i wonder if baby ish willing to waste a few hours to catch this fab movie.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

you'll get quite a shock when you start thinking about due dates.

2201 CA2 - this wednesday
irritating stats assignment AGAIN - next monday
2201 50% open lab project - the week after
2104 25% bioinformatic redundant project - the week after

1 week of super mugging mode

and tadaa... EXAMS.

before you even start choking, enjoy...

Monday, October 29, 2007

my whole weekend was about mini yorkshire terrier. have yet gotten myself one. still deciding if it's almost lyke a luxury.

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but they ar gorgeously kwute....

Friday, October 26, 2007

i saw many things in 3s today again.

3.33pm - thinking about you.

3 weeks, 3 days more to 21st - thinking about you.

*the magic could relive it's moment.
i can smile, i can be silly just with the thought of the courtship, the occurence, the purple umbrella, the flowers, the ... we can't look back at the past, could we? those were really sweet memories. i think i ought to just drink some warm milk and catch some romance dvds.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

it went from the significant 5th to 10th month. many more 24ths to go. i love you baby. oh so much...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

i need longer hair, longer fringe, nice shade of ash brown and a big curler.

Monday, October 22, 2007

this ish what happens when you start feeling the guilt. just 4 hours ago, i was falling asleep and awaiting fer some sweet baby whispers. now, i'm 2/3 done with my stats assignment. i need to catch some sleep.

just two more days till a good 10th.

Friday, October 19, 2007

i'm wasting my time doing data entry fer 2104 bioinformatics. and i must question why the redundancy of such. argh!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

sometimes i really wonder what pays off that 5 cents worth of sms or one second mere of saying heloo. how do you practically ignore a friend though worn off yur life of years that left yur hood behind. the next time when i start recieving a sms, i ought to think whether it's worth my 5 cents back. ah, but my phone ain't working anyway. i dunch know if it's jealous of baby's iphone or what, it just refuses to work fer me now. the batt goes flat in 10 mins, the charger claims that batt ish full, the sim card doesn't read, the connection acts dead friendly even if it has been cut off and last of all, i really dunch understand why doesn't it appreciate the fact that it's still in my delicate hands.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

if you've been really really wondering where have i been, how busy i am. i'll just say i manage to get through 2 crappy CAs last week, 2 essays this week, 1 stupid stats assignment yet again, and 24/7 thinking about my biochemistry open lab experiment. after been stuck in the damn lab fer 2 days, i'm bushed but i'm quite surprise at how good and efficient i have been.

Monday, October 08, 2007

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i had a really lovely and hella good weekend just by staying by baby's side. cuddles, loves*

Friday, October 05, 2007

don't talk about marriage if it ain't happening anytime soon, it's lyke this jinx thing. blargh.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

if i happen to not reply anyones' smses, do note that under bad circumtences, yur message did not reach me. i know it seemed that i've been missing, but the people close to me should understand why.