Tuesday, August 31, 2004
looks a lil blur.
i tried this tube dress which i found real sweet. but guess what. it's too big fer me! it's already S. cos it's too loose around my waist. doesn't look nice.
but it doesn't look that bad from side view.
of cos. i didn't got it.
Monday, August 30, 2004
5 things i need to make sure of myself this new school term!
1)Listen to lectures.
2)Don't be more than 20 mins late fer lessons lyke you always do.
3)Stop yur habit of chit-chatting in class.
4)Don't be such a piggy. And STOP SLEEPING in lectures.
5)Study hard.
Ahuh. I got back my Instrumentation common test paper. If you guys recall, i've said this in my previous entry.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
hmmm, in the middle of the wee wee night... not sleeping yet but not studying also!! hecks, i flunk badly fer today instrumental test. got everything so mixed up and i can't seem to concentrate on friday's cell culture test. gosh, i guess i better buck up. at least a pass...
But i didn't! I was damn surprise with my results.
78. I was lyke expecting a 60.
And this funny comment i got from my lecturer.
Haa, it's funny okies. Stupid yo0u (lecturer)!
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Neoprints i took with Ujin.
After all that walking, we went to 'Ding Tai Fung' fer dinner.
Silly me. Taking photos again.
Okies. I finally got home. And oh my god, i took lots of pics with my cap. Hee. Guess i really love my cam. Or maybe i love to share my pics. Anyway, do enjoy lots okies?
Smile And Say CHEESE!!
I change my contacts today to HONEY. Love it or hate?
I look so shapeless here.
I don't lyke the skinny me here.
Another mirror pic.
I manage to curl the front part of my hair in jus 30 secs.
Is it nice? Tell me. If they ar, i will in future curl them to school!!
Updated my profile with new pictures.
Friday, August 27, 2004
Thanks fer everyone who showed me their care and concern. Love you guys lots. You know i won't be beaten by those harsh comments people give. Cos i believe in myself. Right, Yahui? Hee.
*Ps. Don't concentrate on my crude entry. Do comment on my new blogskin! Thanks. Please? (=
Damn. In a fcuking mood right now. I feel lyke ripping off everything. I'm not a slut and guys in friendster don't message me becos they've seen my blog. And why blame me if they message me. I can't control them. My blog was meant fer him and my friends. But since he ish gone, let's strike him off the list. I don't understand why he could actually say that i post indecent pictures in my blog. So besides this 'g-string' above. What ish so indecent in this blog? Do you actually see me shoving my boobs around lyke those sluts in friendster do to attract? Do you see me showing my naked butt or back? Fcuk. Fuck. I hate him for claming that i'm different just becos he ish jealous. I hate him fer now. Why must he choose to hurt me so deeply? He know i haven't change and why does he claim so. Retard.
Why blame everything on me? Why? If you guys/gals don't understand the situation, don't act lyke you do. Don't critisize if you don't know what's going on. Childish adults.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
the blogger header ish irritating. so i've moved my blog further down.
no theme fer it and i didn't got it from blogskins. a simple playing of boxes. just decided to make it's width wide instead of it's length. so do enjoy! and comment. thanks alot. will try to refurnish them soon.
and moments of awaiting...
finally i got impatient. caught mrt straight to marina bay by myself.
stupid pic i took while on escalator.
reach marina bay station and started to get a lil boring. played gloomy business with the help of reflections.
gathering time. we were late and by the time we headed towards the rest of the class, lianghua was shaking his head to me. he told me to go cos the food they having sucks. so we venture towards the shop with the "prettier image" and had our steamboat+bbq.
we were damn unlucky. towards the end of our meal, it started raining so heavily and our soup was been nourished with heaven's tears. and we were only "lucky" ones. i was cursing but laughing lyke mad. haa.
after dinner was entertaining time. went fer a lil arcarde and bowling!
A pose from someone who doesn't know how to bowl!
Hey, who shot i butt?
Yahui & Yixin
Me And Yixin
The 3 Girlies!
From Me(I'm In Pink!) clockwise direction :
Hanping, Pream, Yahui, Kenneth, Calvin, Lianghua, Yixin.
eeks* my hair smells so bad. stinking bbq.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
i feel sooooo darn relaxed now. how i wish i could share this happiness with everyone. wahaha...
btw, if you guys notice at the end of every blog. there's this SHED A TEAR, CRYSTALISE ME
be sure of it cos you can actually leave any comments of the certain article. so do tell me more. share with me yur thoughts. and love you all!
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
yesterday's ACMB was good! at least i score what i need to.
yixin just told me just now that my blogskin looks so "hentai". oh my god! can't believe i could actually get such a comment. gosh, but i'm sooooo lazy to change. does it really look so bad?
my friends told me that my blog has a huge amount of pictures and it's entertaining. haa. i was lyke telling them it's at least better than those blargh blargh blogger who talks about their whole day of "doing nothing" journey.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
yes, i do miss my ex. but ish that a crime?
if we can explain love in words, i guess we still don't understand anything about it. cos love to me ish a feeling that you can never name them in words. and it's a feeling that ish never-ending.
there ish nothing right or wrong in a relationship that goes wrong. blaming ish not the thing we should do during departure. at least don't waste the time at it. cos it's still best if we keep hold to beautiful memories that was once shared and let it stay shining fer-ever. but somehow loving seems to lead to hatred at times. why? why bother to hate someone you once loved so badly when they ar gone? does it means that if they're dead? you would blame them fer leaving too?
friendster? what's the main purpose of it in the first place? to link to yur friends, to get to know yur friend's friend, find yur best friends since the young days, share thoughts about their characters by giving them a testimonial, and more? at least that's the purpose to me in friendster in the first place.
but now? people who just love to look at yur pretty or handsome pics, they don't even bother to read yur full profile and testimonials, they message you and to tell you that you look so pretty, sweet, style, handsome, photogenic?
getting to know someone new it's not a bad idea actually but if you don't choose to be sincere by just a simple first step of getting the basic information of them. why bother to be friends? it's so darn ridiculous.
and i don't bother who reads my blog since it's a public blog. if you guys/gals wanna read my blog, but you wanna gossip over them, go ahead and gossip away from me and don't ever let me know about it. thanks.
Singapore's Li Jia Wei lost the place fer the fight between the silver and gold medal. but we can't blame her. she was striving fer her best and she did us proud in the first 3 games. could only say it's a tough fight. and yeah, i can't believe i'm eating kimchi and scolding the irritating Kim Hyang Mi from Korea. she ish noisy and noisy and just simply disturbing. i don't understand why she must keep shouting throughout.
Friday, August 20, 2004
took some stupid photos just 25 mins ago after my bath. (okay, i admit i look very stupid in them) hee. (=
Photos minimised until you can't see them no more.
although i don't look really nice in this. but i love my eye-line.
gotta start studying again. bye!
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
took some photos while slogging hard. (ps` i love my straight hair today)
my evidence!
time to move yur smart arse.
don't act pretty my dear mel~
okies. i'll shut up now.
was tempted by my friend to catch CATWOMEN. and i did. i could never resist temptations to enjoy myself. halle's BOOBS ish wonderful (pur-fecto!). heard that she did lots of weird exercises fer that (when i mention the word weird, it meant that i didn't knew exactly what she did). but that movie was not bad. so lady-listic. shows how powerful a lady could be. and a lady with self-confidence ish naturally beautiful and sexy.
yesterday i met a taxi-driver without his own opinions. today i met one who ish too protective over his own suggestions. kept rejecting my instructions. damn him. i'm the one paying fer the fare not him. stupid greedy driver. can't believe why some taxi-drivers these days ar so un-characterise.
gosh! i recieved a stupid low attendence notification letter from school and that sucks okay. i only miss 1 lesson and how could they say it's low attendence. 1 out of 7 classes. how could they be so mean to me. but i can't deny that skipping classes ish a bad habit. haa. but i don't care.
till the next bloggie session, ADIOS!
analytical biochemistry ish going to be fine. it just needs my full patience to memorise everything. cos basically i'm able to understand and that's good enough. i just need them to be chuck into my mind. hope more exam questions would help.
cell culture ish not going to be a problem too cos i've burnt my every brain cells into it fer the previous quiz (darn! cos i thought it a common test and i basically gone through every important details). but, i didn't scored well fer that quiz either. 26/33 the score sucks. thanks to my silly mistakes and foolishness. the questions were so simple-minded and too bad i have a complex mind. *grins
talking about such matters. i realise that it happens to me all the time. when marks go so high fer a particular question and when the q&a were lyke (Q: name 3 fruits. A: apple, orange, banana). i tend to doubt myself. am i interpreting it in a too simple manner? you know i'm someone who never fails to think and doubt myself too much.
about today? i wanna warn people lyke YOU who ish reading my blog now. don't ever board a taxi with someone who doesn't know the way but bothers to act lyke they do plus a darn taxi driver who keeps doubting on his own route to go. (with poor communication skills) OR ELSE YOU WILL REGRET! cos firstly it's gonna cost and worst of all, the car ride makes you giddy, furious and irritated.
enough of all these crapping. i need sleep. gonna start mugging over them tomorrow again and till then... LA LA LA LAaaa...
and cos i've studied? i love myself to bits and pieces!
Monday, August 16, 2004
spent half an hour of crazy time to take these few pics. i seems so vain. don't i? hee. *grins but do enjoy. comments ar allowed.
okies. my eye looks a lil scary. but i love my eye-lashes.
so dark. so gloomy.
the rest ar some pics i took while i was out recently with ujin.
went to olio fer desserts... and the menu fer the day ish ...
he looks a lil lyke guo bing chao right? (okies. maybe i flatter him too much. the small version or i mean the short version of guo bing chao! )
just in case you don't know who ish dylan guo bing chao.
haa. i guess you guys ar going to say only the hairstyle ish similar.
by the way, i'm done with everything. enjoy then! (=